Innovative/disruptive solutions yes, but above all pragmatic solutions that meet the need for immediacy of information, no matter where you are, using any medium that can broadcast n any type of content in high quality – This analysis is summarized using an acronym: ATAWADAC.
ATAWADAC? What is this gibberish? What is ATAWADAC and why is this analysis crucial in the adoption of innovative solutions?
We are going to explain to you our vision of ATAWADAC at Tailora. How this analysis will be a key to your success that should not be overlooked for the success of your next objectives, through the adoption of innovative and digital solutions.
ATAWADAC is an acronym: “ANY TIME; ANY WHERE; ANY DEVICES; ANY CONTENT”; this corresponds to making content or services accessible anytime, anywhere via any digital medium.
Originally, we must turn to Xavier Dalloz, who in 2002, then speaks of “Mobiquity”, this term being born from the fusion of “mobility” and “ubiquity”, we then speak of “ATAWAD (ANY TIME ; ANY WHERE ; ANY DEVICES). This phenomenon was born during the rise of new technologies, more particularly the development of mobile applications.
“Mobiquity” describes the capacity of an individual, who is in a situation of mobility, to be able to “connect” to a network without constraints of time, location or particular medium.
Today, we are talking about ATAWADAC (ATAWAD + Any Content) because it takes into account the content dimension of “mobility”, specific to our know-how at Tailora.
Acronym Decryption: AT-AW-AD-AC
“Any time” which can be translated in our context as “at any time” implies that the solution developed is accessible at any time. The goal is to meet the need for immediacy of the solution. Making the solution accessible to everyone at all times is a key success factor for a pragmatic solution.
“Any where” which can be translated in our context as “anywhere” implies that the solution developed is accessible wherever you want to use it. Indeed, the actors who will use the developed solution should not be constrained by a faulty or poor quality internet connection – and thus favor a native solution (OFFLINE), otherwise and take advantage of the distribution advantage offered by INTERNET, actors must be able to use this resource and communicate globally using ONLINE solutions.
We are now evolving in a HYBRID environment, the solution developed must therefore meet this multi-channel need in order to reduce constraints and make the most of the digital environment within our reach.
“Any devices” which can be translated in our context as “through any medium” implies that the solution developed is accessible from all the media made available to us. The rise of new technologies has profoundly changed presentation media, from traditional paper/pencil to today all the digital media at our disposal (smartphone, tablet, desktop or laptop computer, website or even touch table and VR headset) the solution developed must meet this need for multi-support specific to each organization.
In this regard, we will highlight the “User Experience and Interfaces” (UX/UI) analysis linked to the specific development of each medium in order to benefit from a pragmatic experience through an interface adapted to the presentation of the different projects/products. .
“Any content” which can be translated in our context as “for any content” implies that the solution developed makes it possible to support the presentation of varied content resulting from different and complementary technological know-how in the valuation of any any project.
The solution developed must allow it to be enriched with different content in order to be complete, with particular mention to the quality of the content. Indeed, this content must be of high quality in order to best enhance the different projects, fluid in order to benefit from a real experience without interruption and varied in order to enhance the different aspects of a project (ex: virtual visit, orbital view , perspectives, configurator, animation of product flows, etc.).
Digital Transformation, Tailora and ATAWADAC: An Explosive Cocktail!
All the reasons are good to turn to innovation: A competitive market, specific and asserted customer needs, a disturbed and uncertain national and international context, a leadership position to be affirmed or a challenger galvanized by the adoption of solutions.